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时间:2019/11/25 18:44:33  作者:  来源:  查看:5467  评论:0
内容摘要:当“看中国·外国青年影像计划”遇上“最葫芦”The Moment When "Looking China·International Youth Film Project" Coincides with “Glamour of the Gourd”记者/ 金相...
The Moment When "Looking China·International Youth Film Project" Coincides with “Glamour of the Gourd”
 记者/ 金相律 摄影报道
On June 3, 2019, "Looking China · International Youth Film Project · Shandong Tour" was launched at Qufu Normal University. Hu Lu attended the ceremony and delivered a speech.
Hu Lu is addressing the launching ceremony of “Looking China·International Youth Film Project·Shandong Tour”.
Hu Lu remarked that "Looking China·International Youth Film Project" is a public service project initiated to promote China international cultural communication. With this project, a lot of fruitful efforts have been put in for the overseas youth to reach, understand and disseminate Chinese culture. Consequently, it has become an important brand for China international cultural communication. He hoped that with help from teachers and students of Qufu Normal University, foreign young friends could experience Qilu (referring to Shandong) Culture, the charm of Confucianism and the friendliness of Shandong from various perspectives, and use their cameras to express "the impression of China" so as to let Chinese culture shine among the diversified cultures in the world.

Foreign youth attend the launching ceremony of "Looking China·International Youth Film Project·Shandong Tour"
During the event, Hu Lu exchanged ideas regarding Chinese gourd culture communication with Ms. Huang Huilin, the founder of "Looking China·International Youth Film Project" and also introduced the process from preparation to publication of The Gourd Culture Series (in nine volumes) and the value of theSeries on the study of the gourd culture. According to Hu Lu, gourds have multi-level cultural connotations such as happiness, health, harmony and fertility. In other words, the gourds embody the essence of the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Huang Huilin said that the idea to disseminate and develop the gourd culture was congruent with that of the "Looking China·International Youth Film Project". Both demonstrated new wisdom and new programs for the communication of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and provided the world with a new window to understand the excellent traditional Chinese culture as well. Professor Luo Jun, deputy dean of the Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture (AICCC) and Dr. Yang Zhuofan highly praised the Gourd Culture Series. At the invitation of Professor Luo, Hu Lu presented a set of theGourd Culture Series to AICCC.

Hu Lu introduces the The Gourd Culture Series (in nine volumes)
During the talk, Hu Lu presented the brand gourds of “Glamour of the Gourd” to Ms. Huang. they are five small, exquisite and lovely gourds implying "five blessings have descended upon the house", and one big plump and glossy gourd implying luck and fortune. In addition, he presented a well-crafted gourd-flower-and-bird painting and Gourd Painting Studio Papers to Ms. Huang as a gift. Huang was greatly surprised and said that the gourds had beautiful meanings and the gourd flower and bird painting was lifelike. With the painting's background rendered in gold, the ripe gourd looks like shining in the sunlight and remains in a beautiful harmony with the ink-colored auspicious bird aside. She also added that she would have the painting mounted and hung in the living room or bedroom after returning to Beijing. Gourd Painting Studio Papers has come to the 12th issue since its first publication. This issue reports on the publication conferences of the Gourd Culture Series in Huludao, Liaoning Province and Rizhao, Shandong Province. After reading it through, Huang couldn't help admiring and praising it. She fully affirmed Hu’s contribution to the promotion of the excellent traditional Chinese gourd culture. She also hoped that the gourd culture could be integrated into "Looking China·International Youth Film Project", to serve as a good teller of the Chinese story and a promoter of the Chinese culture.

Hu Lu presents the gourd flower and bird painting to Ms. Huang Huilin
Both the experts talked about the thousand-year-long civilization going along with the Chinese culture as well as its continuity and dissemination. They were so devoted that they sang and danced with excitement, and this especially the case when Lu Sheng Love Story (the first Chinese film on the subject of the musical instrument Lusheng) was mentioned. Lu Sheng Love Story relates to the love story between two Lahu youth, Zhatuo and Nawa. They loved each other but went through a lot of difficulties. Starting from the theme song Vow of Marriage of Lu Sheng Love Story, Hu Lu told the story affectionately, singing and dancing. The beautiful songs conveyed a haunting, gentle and hopeful mood played with Lu Sheng, a typical instrument of Yunan Nationality. The song and the tune perfectly depicted the love story of two Lahu youth. Coincidentally, Ms. Huang recalled that she had once taken a photo with Song Xuejuan, an actress who played Nawa, the heroine of Lu Sheng Love Story. Then she took out her mobile phone and showed Hu Lu their photo, and everyone on the scene was moved.

Ms. Huang and Song Xuejuan who played Nawa, the heroine of Lu Sheng Love Story
The two experts also held in-depth communications on the current communication of Chinese culture in countries along the Belt and Road. Then Ms. Huang talked about her book -- The People-To-People Bond: "One Belt and One Road" Looking China Youth Film Project. This book vividly presents the efforts of the “Looking China” project and youth in the countries along the Belt and Road to realize cultural exchanges and co-construction. It also accumulates the valuable experience and explores a useful model for generating Chinese cultural influence in the contemporary era. Hu Lu shared his experience of the exhibition and performance of “Glamour of the Gourd -- Gourd Culture Tour along the Silk Road” at home and abroad. He said that many countries along the Belt and Road had common affection for gourds and gourd culture. Gourds have a long history of planting in many regions along the Belt and Road. At the same time, as a practical item and auspicious ornamental artwork, gourds are widely loved by the people along the Belt and Road. The cultural commonness based on the gourds has surpassed the differences between the Belt and Road countries in terms of their political, religious, and economic development systems etc. The gourds have become a common cultural carrier for us all, thus building a new bridge for communication and cooperation between the countries along the Belt and Road.

Hu Lu introduces a Chinese gourd ladle to Nkantu
 “看中国·外国青年影像计划·山东行”开展期间,葫芦文化引起了南非青年坎图的极大兴趣。坎图(Nkantu Luscious Dosi)来自葫芦之乡——南非约翰内斯堡索的韦托镇。他是一个充满激情的年轻人,喜欢与世界各地的文化人交流自己的想法,当他了解到中国有个“葫芦痴”,既满心好奇又满怀期待。在完成6月4日曲阜当天的拍摄任务后赶赴日照已是晚上8点多,他来不及晚餐就匆匆赶往扈鲁家中看葫芦,坎图一进扈鲁家门,立即被这些大大小小、形状各异、极富艺术之美和灵性之光的葫芦所吸引。桌上满满的关于葫芦文化研究的著作,客厅里林林总总的葫芦艺术品,房间里各色各样的布艺葫芦……眼前的一切与葫芦有关的元素让坎图目不暇接、惊诧不已,从而发出了“仿佛走进了葫芦艺术的殿堂”的感叹。在整个参观过程中,坎图口里所说最多的,就是 “awesome”“amazing”“interesting”等称赞词语。
With the unfolding of the "Looking China·International Youth Film Project·Shandong Tour", gourd culture aroused a South African young man Nkantu's great interest. Nkantu Luscious Dosi comes from Weto, the town of gourd in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is a passionate young man who likes to exchange his ideas with cultural minds from all over the world. When he learned that there is a "Gourd Crazy" in China, he was full of curiosity and expectation. After completing the filming task in Qufu on June 4, he rushed to Rizhao. When he arrived, it was already 8 p.m. Without having dinner, he rushed to Mr. Hu's home to see the gourds. As soon as he entered the house, he was attracted by the gourds of various sizes and shapes, which are full of artistic beauty and spiritual delicacy. Books on subjects of gourd culture study piled up on the table. The living room housed various gourd artworks and fabric gourds. The abundance of gourd-related things made him feel so dazzled and unexpected that he exclaimed that he had entered the palace of gourd art. Throughout the visit, the most frequent words he said were some complimentary words such as "awesome", "amazing" and "interesting".扈鲁拿出一本近期编纂的《海外葫芦文化》,向坎图展示了非洲葫芦图像,并介绍了所收藏的各种非洲葫芦器皿。坎图在中国看到非洲的葫芦图像和葫芦器皿非常震惊,他说,这些葫芦在非洲随处可见,常用作盛器,尤其是可以作为饮酒的酒杯,他的爷爷就曾用葫芦酒杯喝酒。Hu Lu took out a recently compiled book of Overseas Gourd Culture and showed Nkantu images of African gourds and introduced various African gourd vessels that he had collected. Nkantu was shocked to see images of African gourds and gourd vessels in China. He said these gourds could be found everywhere in Africa and were often used as a vessel, especially as an alcohol-drinking cup. His grandfather used to drink alcohol with a gourd cup.坎图对扈鲁的葫芦文化研究非常感兴趣,直言如果不是事先确定了选题,一定会将扈鲁的葫芦文化研究列入拍摄计划,对此他深表遗憾。鉴于坎图的专业和中国此行的目的,扈鲁将已经出版发行的光盘制品《霓舞华声·最葫芦》赠予坎图,坎图表示回国后会作为最珍贵的礼物送给自己的父亲,并作为纪念品永久珍藏。Nkantu was very interested in Mr. Hu's study of the gourd culture. He said that he would have included Hu's gourd culture research in the filming plan if the topic had not been determined in advance, which he felt deeply sorry for. Considering Nkantu's profession and the purpose of his trip to China, Hu Lu gave Nkantu a published CD "Dance and Song·Glamour of the Gourd" as a gift. Nkantu said that when he returned home, he would give it to his father as the most precious gift and keep it forever as a souvenir.

Hu Lu and Nkantu perform the theme song Vow of Marriage of Lu Sheng Love Story.
Hu Lu also introduced the "Lahu nationality originated from the gourd" to Nkantu and showed the Lahu's gourd instrument -- Lusheng, an important musical instrument in the movie Lu Sheng Love Song. After saying that, Hu Lu and Nkantu put on Lahu costumes, played Lusheng and experienced the Lusheng dance -- a typical Lahu dance. The wonderful Lusheng dance made Nkantu fall in love with the Lusheng. He implicitly wished that he would like to have a Lusheng. But for the moment, Hu Lu could not meet his need because he was preparing for the National Tour Exhibition as a project funded by China National Arts Fund, and theLusheng, a very important ethnic gourd instrument, was an important part of the tour exhibition.在扈鲁家中一个多小时的造访,让坎图意犹未尽,接连两天坎图都沉浸在葫芦馆形形色色、琳琅满目的葫芦艺术世界里。6月6日,坎图再次拜访扈鲁先生,这一次,鉴于坎图对葫芦文化如此着迷,扈鲁忍痛割爱,将坎图心心念念的一件芦笙赠予他,满足了这位非洲友人的愿望,坎图兴奋之情溢于言表,他说,我一定会好好珍藏这件珍贵的艺术品,回到非洲后将专门做一个玻璃箱子存放,并放在家中重要位置,供大家观赏。据坎图讲,南非的葫芦乐器“马林巴”是由葫芦制成共鸣腔,当得知扈鲁先生已经收藏了两件“马林巴”时,他表示十分惊讶。The visit to Hu Lu's house lasted over one hour but for Nkantu, and it is not enough to learn more. For two days in a row, Nkantu was immersed in the colorful gourd art world of the Gourd Museum. On June 6, Nkantu visited Hu Lu again. This time, in view of Nkantu's fascination with gourd culture, Hu Lu gave Nkantu his endeared Lusheng since Nkantu had been obsessed with it, and so he fulfilled the African friend's wish. Nkantu was glowing with excitement and said, "This precious work of art will be much cherished and well kept. When I return to Africa, I will make a special glass box for storage and put it in an important place at home for everyone to enjoy." According to Nkantu, South Africa's gourd musical instrument Marimba has a resonant chamber made of gourds. When he learned that Mr. Hu had collected two Marimbas, he was very surprised.

Hu Lu presents a Lusheng to Nkantu
Hu Lu also showed Nkantu his research projects and awards for his gourd culture research. And Nkantu responded that when he first saw so many research books on gourd culture on the table and other achievements, he felt that Mr. Hu was quite a passionate man, and that he was also deeply impressed by his dedication to his research and creation when he learned, through the Gourd Painting Studio Papers and the Wechat official account -- "Gourd Painting Studio", that Mr. Hu had traveled to many countries to disseminate the gourd culture. Nkantu said that Mr. Hu's research books on gourd culture was like a documentary, which recorded a complete history of gourd culture and art. He hoped that in the future, he would have the opportunity to take Mr. Hu's exploration of gourd culture as the prototype and film some documentaries so as to keep a record of the traditional culture and carry forward the cultural heritage.

Gourd Painting Studio Papers
Nkantu also suggested that The Gourd Culture Series should be translated into English, Zulu and other languages, in the hope that more Africans could see the series in African libraries in order to better disseminate the gourd culture in Africa. Hu Lu told him that in fact, what we had seen so far is only the first set of theGourd Culture Series, and the compilation of second set was getting underway. Gourds originate from Africa, and China's "Hu Lu", whether his birthplace or his name is destined to be tied to gourds all his life. By setting his footing in China while keeping a world orientation, he will carry out the exploration, research and promotion of the gourd culture to the end!坎图表示,自己非常敬佩扈鲁先生在葫芦研究上花费的心血和取得的巨大成就,自己对葫芦和葫芦承载的中国文化十分感兴趣,如果有机会,也非常想去曲阜葫芦博物馆参观。他还表示,此次“看中国”之行能够结识扈鲁先生倍感荣幸,有一种宾至如归的感觉,他指出,中国和南非同属“金砖五国”,葫芦与非洲有着千丝万缕的联系,希望扈鲁先生能去非洲进行文化交流,实现文化融合,通过葫芦文化进一步联接中非友谊。扈鲁对此表示十分赞同,对于坎图的美好愿景以及他参与的两次“看中国”项目,与他所推动的葫芦文化丝路行不谋而合、殊途同归,这既是他与坎图先生非同寻常的缘分,更是中非诸国之间友谊的见证,希望通过“看中国”和“丝路行”永结好友,以“葫芦”为纽带架起中非文化交流的新桥梁。Nkantu greatly admired Mr. Hu's painstaking efforts and great achievements in the gourd research. He himself was very interested in gourds and the Chinese culture carried by gourds, and said that if he had the chance, he would like to visit the Qufu Gourd Museum. He also said that it was a great honor for him to meet Mr. Hu through the tour of "Looking China", and he felt at home. He added that since China and South Africa are both BRICS countries and that gourds were also linked with Africa in so many ways, he wished Mr. Hu could go to Africa for cultural exchange to promote cultural integration, and to make a tighter bond of China-Africa friendship through the gourd culture. Hu quite agreed with this. For him, the beautiful wish of Nkantu and the two "Looking China" projects he participated were in essence out of the same purpose as that of the Gourd Culture Tour along the Silk Road that he had promoted. This is not only the witness of the wonderful bond between Nkantu and him, but also the witness of the friendship between China and African countries. He hoped that an ever-lasting friendship could be established through projects like "Looking China" and "Silk Road Travel", and a new bridge of cultural exchanges between China and Africa would be built up with gourds as the tie.

Daily News and Analysis, an English quality newspaper in India, reports on "Looking China·International Youth Film Project·Shandong Tour"
When "Looking China·International Youth Film Project·Shandong Tour" came to the end, the Indian English quality newspaper -- Daily News and Analysis (DNA) reported the event on June 23. In the newspaper, there was a detailed report about the project of "Looking China" and its significance, which accelerated the overseas spread of Chinese culture, displayed Chinese people's fine tradition of as well as their constantly self-improving spirit. As a result, it made active contribution to the exchange and integration of Chinese and foreign cultures. As a well-known media in India, the Indian English quality newspaper -- Daily News and Analysis is an important window for cultural exchanges with foreign countries.

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